SMX London 2024
24-25 October, 2024
Victoria Park Plaza

Keynotes and Featured Sessions

Thursday, 24 October, 2024
Opening Keynote: How Zero Click Marketing is Reshaping the Digital Marketing World


Rand Fishkin


Opening Keynote: How Zero Click Marketing is Reshaping the Digital Marketing World


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


9:00 am


Victoria 1


The digital world has become a zero-click world. Traffic referrals from every major network have fallen precipitously. Searchers and browsers expect native content and instant answers. Brands, especially those looking to gain a foothold in the ruthless competition for web traffic, are left struggling for scraps. A mindset shift is needed—marketers can’t be stuck optimizing for clicks, measuring impact based on referral traffic and single-visit conversion rates. The old tactics are dying. To survive, marketers must prioritize earning engagement and growing audiences on the platforms themselves. We have to conform to new algorithmic rules and new user expectations—that’s where Zero-Click Marketing comes in. In this presentation, Rand will show how it works, why it’s needed, and how to apply this tactical shift to every channel and campaign.

Friday, 25 October, 2024
Day 2 Opening Keynote: On a Shoestring Budget: It’s Time to Change Your Thinking, Build Scaled Customer Education Programs and Drive 10x Revenue Impact


Purna Virji


Day 2 Opening Keynote: On a Shoestring Budget: It’s Time to Change Your Thinking, Build Scaled Customer Education Programs and Drive 10x Revenue Impact


Friday, 25 October, 2024


9:15 am


Victoria 1


As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. 

In this case, there wasn’t so much necessity as there was desperation. And we know, you can already relate. Times are challenging, budget cuts are real and many marketers know that new strategies are needed. So back to Purna: 

There she was, brand new job. A dauntingly massive remit at one of the world’s largest companies. And as for resources? Practically nothing. In fact, far less than she ever had, even working at the smallest of start-ups. 

How to rub two quarters together and make them look like a million bucks? She leaned on her background in Instructional Design, to create and globally scale a scaled customer education program. 

In this personal and actionable case-study based keynote, Purna will share her stories and learnings, from why more marketers need to think like instructional designers to how to make the case and measure success.

Thursday, 24 October, 2024
Ready to Automate Your Most Tedious PPC tasks? Meet Your New Ad Scripts programmer: GPT!


Ready to Automate Your Most Tedious PPC tasks? Meet Your New Ad Scripts programmer: GPT!


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


1:30 pm



Victoria 2


Ad scripts are a free way to automate essential PPC tasks, but until recently, they could be intimidating for marketers. But thanks to GenAI, you now have a capable script developer at your full-time disposal.
In this session, you’ll learn:

  • Which Generative AI (GenAI) models are best for writing Google Ads Scripts
  • How to use whiteboard sketches to tell GPT what script you need
  • How using prebuilt custom GPTs can reduce the need to learn the right prompts
  • How GPT can fix a broken script you found online
  • How to use GPT to ensure a script you copied is safe
  • How to use GPT to write Python scripts to analyse your data

By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped to let GPT handle the most tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on optimizing and innovating. Elevate your PPC game with AI-driven automation!

Thursday, 24 October, 2024
Think Like a Search Engine – When, Why & How Google Incorporates AI into SERPs


Cindy Krum


Think Like a Search Engine – When, Why & How Google Incorporates AI into SERPs


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


10:30 am



Victoria 1


Where does SEO fit with all the groundbreaking plans and releases that Google has announced for the Gemini AI systems? We certainly live in exciting times, but it could be hard to predict how SEO will be impacted. Google has said that Gemini Nano will be incorporated into Chrome Desktop, and at the core of the Android operating system. What will be left for SEOs in terms of organic traffic and clicks, if Google plans on fitting AI in everywhere? This talk will break down the costs and benefits that Google expects from incorporating AI into search results and other search like behaviours. It will discuss ways that Google will maximize efficiency and minimize the computational costs of AI interactions, including for multi-modal search. It will also outline where Google hopes to leverage AI results to help them make money, and how website owners and enterprise SEO operations can work to make sure that they are still able to get organic traffic and conversions when Google has become their biggest competitor.

Friday, 25 October, 2024
Mastering Google Ads for Lead Generation


Mastering Google Ads for Lead Generation


Friday, 25 October, 2024


11:20 am



Victoria 2


With every new product announcement, it feels like Google Ads has forgotten about lead generation accounts. New products and features are often designed for eCommerce, and with less data and creative control over campaigns, B2B advertisers must adapt to thrive in the new AI-powered digital landscape. This session will cover innovative Google Ads strategies specifically tailored for lead generation accounts, including:

  • Setting the right goals
  • Data and budget requirements
  • Bidding considerations
  • Asset group & creative strategies
  • Accounts structure
  • Search campaigns for lead gen accounts
  • Performance Max strategies for lead gen
Thursday, 24 October, 2024
Quality Content in the Eyes of Google Search


Martin Splitt


Quality Content in the Eyes of Google Search


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


3:25 pm



Victoria 1


High quality content equals high Google rankings, right? Well, yes and no. If we all produce the same or similar content, good as it may be, standing out will be increasingly difficult. Automation and AI can make content production, especially at scale, a lot easier, but also enhance the danger of „same again“, „seen it all before“ etc. And neither your user nor Google like that. So it’s time to ask questions: what defines a high quality website? How can I make my website better, and what does high quality content look like in the eyes of Google? If you want the answers, come join Martin in his session.

Thursday, 24 October, 2024
State of Data and Analytics: From Doomsday (2024) to Amazing New Opportunities (2025)


Simo Ahava


State of Data and Analytics: From Doomsday (2024) to Amazing New Opportunities (2025)


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


1:30 pm


Edward 1-2


GA’s hegemony is crumbling, “consent” has turned into a huge problem, data is degrading, we are losing 3rd party cookies and privacy sensitivity is increasing – marketing doomsday is near. That is one way to look at it. Or you join Simo and learn about strong contenders for analytics systems of the future, understand why consent isn’t a “problem” but a feature of current times, how clever data modelling is the solution to data degradation and how you can use server-side tech to enrich and control data flows.

Friday, 25 October, 2024
Don’t be Average, be Creative! PMax Strategies That Will Make the Difference (and Unlock High ROI Results)


Navah Hopkins


Don’t be Average, be Creative! PMax Strategies That Will Make the Difference (and Unlock High ROI Results)


Friday, 25 October, 2024


2:30 pm



Victoria 2


Pmax has often been referred to as the lazy Man’s campaign because all you need to do is turn it on, upload some creatives, and you’re done. Fact is: yes, you can do that, but you’re going to end up average. There are a lot more subtle yet crucially important controls that advertisers have when using Pmax and Navah is here so you can take full advantage of them. In her data-backed action item oriented session, you will learn:

The ROI on completing specific tasks within pmax including audience signals, search themes, and breaking out campaigns into multiple campaigns with single asset groups versus combining all asset groups into a single campaign.

How much to lean into AI creative versus your own based on what industry you’re in as well as how much data is available, if any, in your feed.

Strategies of how to get your siloed campaigns IE search, shopping, display and video to work collaboratively with Pmax and how to know when to put effort into your siloed campaign or your Pmax campaign.

This session is not a love letter to Pmax nor is it a critique of the format. It’s an honest assessment of what advertisers can do, whether they’re in-house or agency, to make the most of the format without compromising their overall account structure/strategy.

Thursday, 24 October, 2024
Managing Google Ads accounts in the Era of AI


Brad Geddes


Managing Google Ads accounts in the Era of AI


Thursday, 24 October, 2024


11:20 am



Victoria 2


AI wants to manage your account for you, but it does not understand humans nor does it understand context. Account managers can relate to humans and have marketing instincts but don’t have enough time to analyse all the possible data. In this session, we’ll look at how account management has changed and how to merge AI with human oversight.

SMX is returning to London

2 Days packed with SEO & PPC Tactics and Strategies

SMX London is designed for professional search marketers, who want to be ahead of the curve and thrive even in challenging times. We don’t spend time on generic online marketing topics. All sessions are focused, fast-paced, Q&A-packed, always informative.

  • Focused
  • Advanced and Forward Looking
  • Lots of Networking Opportunities
  • Learn from and with your Peers
  • Innovative Session Formats
  • Independent and trusted

    SMX isn’t backed by a software company or digital agency. It isn’t a customer event that dabbles with the occasional search topic. Our unbiased, vendor-agnostic content is designed to do one thing: Help you succeed. That’s our agenda.

  • Content for Search Marketers who Care

    Beginner or fluent in search marketing, SMX London dives into the deep end of SEO & PPC topics, with no dumbing-down. Sessions address specific topics and will always give you the answers to your questions.

  • Actionable Tactics

    You’ll leave SMX London armed with expert tactics, tips, and techniques that can be immediately implemented to drive traffic, convert visitors, and grow your business.

  • The network is powerful

    Attendees. Speakers. Sponsors. Meet them all at both structured and informal networking events. You’ll make valuable and lasting connections, and walk away with a sense of solidarity with your professional community.

  • Your home, your community

    SMX is 100% search marketing. We passionately believe that SEO and PPC deserve the spotlight. You’ll feel welcome and inspired in an environment that celebrates your work.

  • Innovative formats: Roundtable Discussions, Extended Q&A

    In addition to our featured sessions and the SEO and PPC tracks you can also gain in depth knowledge and discuss specific topics in our Roundtables tracks. Roundtable discussions are led by experts. Here you can discuss highly relevant topics and challenges in small intimate groups. And we always plan for Q&A time to give you much more interaction directly with the speakers and other attendees.

  • Unique speaker line up

    At SMX London, every speaker cares deeply about the search business. And our speakers are approachable – in fact, they love to network with and learn from our attendees. So make sure you bring your questions and be prepared to leave SMX London with an extended network that matters.

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